Welcome to our on line shop where you will find a good range of products which cover a range of industries to include the automotive trade, construction industry, workshop and garden. We also as the name Allsorts suggests stock a variety of bits and pieces which fall into many categories. We are currently working towards building up a craft and hobbyist range of goods and tools. Prices are ex works unless otherwise stated and may be varied in the event of any changes as a result of customer instruction to alter design specification or quantity or suspension of work.
As all prices are below RRP all sales are classed as trade sales. In the case of any alleged loss of a complete consignment, the Customer has given the Company written notice thereof in 10 days (or 28 days) or period stated in the Company's order acknowledgement for goods intended for destinations outside the United Kingdom mainland, dating from date of the Company's invoice. The Customers notice of claim contains sufficient information to substantiate a claim against any carrier or insurer by the Company on it's own account or on behalf of the Customer. Screws and fixing from forgefix.
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